Maritime Gardens

1945 Dewey St
Manitowoc, WI 54220

Life is a journey. And no matter where it leads, we all need a place to call home. Sylvan Crossings Assisted Living in Maritime Gardens provides that home when the people who are most important to you need special care – whether it be an aging parent, spouse, friend or relative.
At Sylvan Crossings we dedicate ourselves to providing quality care to all our residents in a trusting, secure, and respectable home-like environment. Our residents thrive in the social and active community we promote in each of our homes.
Our mission is to provide compassionate care in a warm, friendly environment while meeting the health, social, and individual needs of each resident. We pride ourselves on the strong relationships formed between our staff, residents, resident families, and the community.
Sylvan Crossings of Maritime Gardens is located in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, less than a mile from Lake Michigan.
We invite you to stop by and visit!
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